Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So, the child learned to read

Last week she could barely recognize the work 'in' twice in one sentence, and last night she read all of Hop on Pop by herself with a few hints on a handful of words. Pretty wild. Like the bike-riding thing, it seemed like it'd never happen, then just kicked in one day. Potty training was agonizingly like that, too. Have to get some more beginner Dr. Suess books for Christmas I think. She wants to work up to The Cat in the Hat ASAP...

The unexpected bunny tragedy totally threw off my NaBloPoMo attempt, but I've still been posting more than I used to. Nothing new on the Houseblog since we haven't done anything more exciting than strip bathroom wallpaper and paint garage trim. Perhaps we'll work up to some good holiday housepix...

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