Saturday, November 10, 2007

The end is near I fear...

She seemed a bit better this morning, eating some hay and being more active. Tonight, though, they noticed the start of potentially serious adhesions near the incision site. It might be due to the type of sutures the first vet used. Or maybe not, as some rabbits just make such scar tissue far more than others. They might be able to operate again and remove it and replace the sutures. She might survive or might not and it might help or might make things worse. And we have to decide when we don't know which might help her live, or make her die. Even if it didn't cost many many many hundreds of dollars to attempt, I am not sure we could put her through that, when her digestive system is still not back to normal and the added recovery time alone might do her in. The adhesions could get so bad that they screw up her internal organs and kill her in a few days. Or they might be limited and she might still recover. Or not.

Why do things have to be soooo hard and hurt so much?

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