Monday, December 22, 2008

How much they can unknowingly hurt...

I'm desperately trying to finish some work (at home) before heading to the company holiday party. The child comes to bug me again about how soon can we go. She sits on my lap and says how she wants to be a famous artist when she grows up, not slump at some computer. Yeah. So did I. Not making very much progress at it, am I, getting sucked into having a degree in something I never really liked, because I was convinced work was supposed to suck and well, it mostly has.

Am I setting a good impression for her? Hardly. I'm not rich or famous at anything and she no signs of getting there anytime before death. Good thing it's the happy family-filled holiday season so I can be miserable in front of everyone else....not....

I want my life back before it's too late....

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