Saturday, October 25, 2008

Not ranting enough....

I keep feeling so screwed up and less-than-profound, that I am reluctant to write, but I think that is what makes me therefore NEED to write, if only to calm my troubled brain. If anyone is actually reading this, you have been warned.

So, can he do it? The Obama thing, that is. We've already had one massive hellish let-down for the year with the Cubs giant tease and crash. Do we need another? I have been actively ignoring national politics since 2000 when I volunteered for a campaign for the first time and got too crushed for my own good. I recall being thrilled in 1992 but far less since.....

I never thought the world would seem this screwed up by the time I was 40. Is it me or is it just that the longer you live, the more perspective you acquire and the cynicism multiplies....

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